When we first created the Kubernetes templates, I wrote a blog post about it. In the comments, someone suggested that we should create a Helm package for Neo4j. 11 months later… we have it!
What is Apache Kafka, and what can is be used for? Dive deep into what Apache Kafka is all about and learn how to create a Kafka cluster with three brokers.
Beacons, communications protocols, edge gateways, integrators and more, if you develop IoT solutions, here are the essential phrases for your hobby or career.
Buckle up for a 30-minute talk about the current state of IoT data and a demo that tackles MQTT, TLS, load balancing, session persistence, and plenty more.
If your application needs access to sensitive information, Kubernetes can help you safely store and allow access to that information. Read on to find out how!
Learn how to configure Telegraf, a plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting metrics, to pull metrics from a Java app inside a Docker container.
Let's take a look at CI and CD, the fundamental cornerstones of any DevOps shop and look at how you can leverage these concepts to help better deliver your next project.