Many times, the cardinality of data can be rather large compared to the amount of data to be ingested. Let's investigate more by testing the performance of a database.
In this post we take a look at incorporating AWS machine learning into your Java microservice environment. Interested? Read on for the details and some code.
What options does Cassandra provide for operating multi-tenant clusters? Do you have your services prepared to do the work properly? Read on to find out.
Learn how to get started with Apache Livy, a project in the process of being incubated by Apache that interacts with Apache Spark through a REST interface.
If you haven't had a chance to explore Azure's Network Watcher, including the Network Security Group Flow logs, here's how to get the ELK integrated for analysis.
Azure Log Analytics lacks versatility, doesn't have any Log API connectors, and fails in terms of Java APIs. Check out how a sample project I made solves this problem.
Walk through experimenting with CRDTs (conflict-free replicated data types) and learn how to do CRDT-based active-active geo-distribution in Redis Enterprise.