TensorFlow and deep learning are things that corporations must now embrace. The coming flood of audio, video, and image data and their applications are key to success.
Apache Zeppelin — an open-source data analytics and visualization platform — helps us analyze the data to gain insight and to improve and enhance business decisions.
See how to get started with writing stream processing algorithms using Apache Flink. by reading a stream of Wikipedia edits and getting some meaningful data out of it.
Some quick stats: 656 million tweets go out per day, and 15,220,700 texts are sent every minute. This makes for LOTS of data. Read on for more shocking stats!
If you've been following software development news recently you probably heard about the new project called Apache Flink. I've already written about it a bit...
The variable selection process in the credit score modeling process is critical to finding key information. Learn how to do it to get a good understanding of your data!
More than a third of the Fortune 500 companies now use Kafka in production — and for good reason. In this article, learn how to track real-time activity using Kafka.
When it comes to streaming media, a proxy solution can be of big benefit. But there are often a lot of questions around what can and cannot be done. Read on for some FAQs about how Varnish can be used in this scenario.
Learn how to use Kapacitor to enrich data coming from Telegraf to InfluxDB, as well as to add other types of data—potentially avoiding the need to create custom plugins.