Quick tip: Prefer using DataFrameNaFunctions to prevent code duplication when the same default values are set in several queries that use the same DataFrame.
MuleSoft platforms act differently for RAML specifications 0.8 and 1.0. This is important to know for developers using Mule; take a look at the details here.
In this article, we briefly introduce Pushpin, a proxy server for creating Realtime APIs and push notifications, and explain how to use it with your web app.
Use Spring Data JPA with Liquibase and PostgreSQL to manage the persistence layer of Spring Boot apps, and Project Lombok to avoid writing boilerplate code.
It's important to know the ins and outs of each of the myriad data types available in SQL Server. Look at those data types to see what you should use when designing your database.
Backbone.js is a JS library that provides models with key-value bindings and custom events, views with declarative event handling, and collections with an API.
How did Spark become so efficient in data processing compared to MapReduce? Learn about Spark's powerful stack of libraries and big data processing functionalities.
Here we see the wrench that poorly implemented mutable values throws into your code. Learn about the symptoms and solutions you can use to fix the problem.