What is Apache Kafka, and what can is be used for? Dive deep into what Apache Kafka is all about and learn how to create a Kafka cluster with three brokers.
OpenCSV is a popular library for handing CSV data in Java projects, but there's a slight problem when dealing with backslashes. Let's see what it is and how to fix it.
In this post about PL/SQL basics, we take a look at the ins and outs (and power) of declaring variables in constants in this SQL language. Read on for the goods.
Originally, the only way to simulate real-time data in web apps was via some sort of polling from the browser to the web server. Learn how to push changes from Oracle Database to the web server.
Bringing multi-tenancy to data pipelines addresses key bottlenecks to help keep up with the needs of users and apps for faster access to more data. Check out how Yahoo! has been addressing this need!
Data scientists and analysts have plenty of experience interpreting p-values from statistical tests... but what happens when there are *millions* of p-values?
Before you give any tool the green light, you need to gain some insight on how it fits into your analytics needs across features, technologies, community, and more.
Settle in to hear the story of a Dutch company that transformed manual elevator logging into a digital industry standard and opened the door for predictive maintenance.
Beacons, communications protocols, edge gateways, integrators and more, if you develop IoT solutions, here are the essential phrases for your hobby or career.