As a support engineer, I often see situations in which the cardinality of a table is not correct. And often, this must be fixed manually. Here's a trick for doing it!
Here's just about everything you could want to know about your favorite packaging techniques for Java—skinny JARs, fat/uber JARs, thin JARS, and hollow JARs.
This quick walkthrough will show you how to dockerize and run an Angular2 app in a container on your local machine, with frequently used Docker commands.
MuleSoft platforms act differently for RAML specifications 0.8 and 1.0. This is important to know for developers using Mule; take a look at the details here.
Learn how to use Portworx on an AWS Kubernetes cluster using kops to bootstrap the cluster, with a focus on running a MySQL server and dealing with a failover scenario.
This review of JArchitect covers its use as a software analysis tool, its potential uses, its position within the Java ecosystem, and where it falls short.