Using Spark, you can identify duplicate files in your S3 storage by calculating checksums. It's a quick, easy way to ensure you aren't carrying extra weight.
Some people say that I must have a bot to read and reply to emails at all crazy hours of the day — some type of awesome email assistant. Well, I decided to prototype it.
Jenkins has introduced a declarative syntax for pipeline creation! Let's take a quick look at using it to integrate Jenkins with GitHub to help build your CI/CD process.
If you're considering getting your feet wet with serverless, be mindful that while AWS Lambda has plenty of benefits, you lose some control and call simplicity as well.
No longer do you have to manage multiple Dockerfiles and use the Builder Pattern. Now, you can save time by creating a multi-stage build process for your Java apps.
ElasticSearch is an open-source, broadly distributable, readily scalable, enterprise-grade search engine. Look more closely into what it is, its advantages, and stats.
In-memory data grids are often used to enhance performance. Learn how to use Hazelcast for caching data stored in the MySQL database accessed by Spring Data DAO objects.
How you construct your Prometheus monitoring dashboard involves trial and error. Grafana makes this exploration very easy and Prometheus has good built-in functionality.