In this article, we will try to answer this question by reviewing the process of constant upgrading of OpenJDK and its open-source approach to development.
As 2022 begins, it is the perfect time to evaluate the tech trends currently shaping the future of pen testing, and how it will continue to do so going forward.
In this tutorial, learn how to use open-source Chronicle Queue and Chronicle Wire to structure applications to use the event-driven architecture (EDA) design pattern.
Hundreds of available open source projects provide IoT capabilities. Explore the Eclipse IoT Packages with a look at the Telemetry end-to-end package here.
I mentioned previously that I had a talk accepted for DevConf.CZ 2022 with a focus on the architecture work I've been doing lately. What's It's a...
If you are a developer or platform builder working with Kubernetes and looking for ingress or API gateway options then this post is definitely for you!
Log4Shell has been a hot topic since its discovery. In this article, I'd elaborate on the Log4Shell vulnerability and how it might affect the Java community.
Learn how to avoid pain points introduced by cloud-based architectures. Explore how to measure performance and what metric IO pattern to use is quite important.
This article explains open-source Kubernetes tools used for development, monitoring, and deployment purposes that can improve your cloud-native experience.
Here, learn the answer to questions about OpenTelemetry and predictions of several important trends that will continue to gain momentum over the next year.