This article will help design and create Virtual Private Network using the VPC designer tool and cloud formation template. It also describes VPC components in detail.
Have you heard about SOPS? If you have already been in a situation where you needed to share sensitive information with your teammates, this is for you.
How can an attacker exploit leaked credentials? In this new series, we try to answer this question by imagining plausible attack scenarios. Second case: an AWS secret is found in a private repository.
This article will compare the primary security key management services solution use cases among the Azure key vault, AWS KMS, Google CKMS, and other Cloud key management solutions.
A closer look at Java at Microsoft and Azure and what Microsoft can offer to modernize existing Java-based apps or bring new ones with the practice of IaC
KEDA is an event-driven autoscaler that horizontally scales a container by adding additional pods based on the number of events needing to be processed.