This blog is a special edition because it is my 100th blog! I will explain what this blog has given me in the past five years. If you are planning to start a blog of yourself, you may use this list of benefits in order to get you motivated to get started. 1. Introduction In the beginning of September, I already celebrated the fifth anniversary of my blog. Now I publish my 100th blog and I am pretty proud of it. It seems not so long ago that I started my blog, but on the other hand, it also feels like I am doing this for a long time. At least, I cannot imagine a life without my blog anymore. In the beginning, I really suffered of the imposter syndrome: I posted blogs, but did not let anyone in my direct environment know that I had a blog. After a few months, I let this feeling behind myself and let the world know that I write technical content. In those five years, I only had one or two negative comments, but many positive comments and I really do not bother about the negative ones. In the next section, I will try to list some of the benefits of a technical blog and if you would like to start with a blog yourself, do read Why Start a Technical Blog. Enjoy this post and up to the next five years! 2. Benefits Gain knowledge, share knowledge, be visible 2.1 Knowledge The main benefit is acquiring knowledge. I have noticed that experimenting with some technology gives you good insights but it is different when you also need to write it down. When you write it down, or need to explain it, you have to dig a bit deeper in the technology. It pushes you to go one step further. 2.2 Sharing Knowledge A side benefit of acquiring knowledge is that you can share it. Although it is a consequence of acquiring knowledge, it deserves its own mention because it is evenly important. Even if one person has got some benefit by reading your post, it was worth writing and sharing. I often refer to my own blogs when I need to explain something to colleagues. If I did not write it down, I always have to transfer my knowledge verbally. Besides that, I also need to remember what I investigated a few years ago. My memory is not that good but I can remember that I wrote a blog about the topic. I even read my own blogs again now and then. 2.3 Visibility Here we have the imposter syndrome again. Do not be afraid to be visible. It will bring you only advantages. People will appreciate what you are doing and will know that you learn many new things. It is also beneficial for your career and open doors that otherwise remain closed. Opportunities will pass by as long as you blog consistently. 3. List of Blogs As a bonus, you can find a list of all the blogs I have written the past five years, ordered by oldest first. First blog post Connect with git repository in Android Studio Combine git repositories Installation Eclipse with Java 9 Versions Maven Plugin Java 9: Introducing JShell Java 9: Collections, Streams The Scrum Guide 2017 update Java lambdas revisited Java 9 Modules introduction (part 1) Java 9 Modules with IntelliJ and Maven (part 2) Java 9 Modules directives (part 3) Maven git commit id plugin Spring WebFlux: Getting started Spring WebFlux: a basic CRUD application (part 1) Spring WebFlux: a basic CRUD application (part 2) Spring Boot Actuator in Spring Boot 2.0 Project Lombok: Reduce boilerplate code Build and deploy a Spring Boot app on Minikube (part 1) Build and deploy a Spring Boot app on Minikube (part 2) J-Spring 2018 impressions Introducing Red Hat CDK How to version your software Deploy to Kubernetes with Helm Create, install, upgrade, rollback a Helm Chart (part 1) Create, install, upgrade, rollback a Helm Chart (part 2) Git LFS: Why and how to use How to Solve Your Java Performance Problems (Part 1) How to Solve Your Java Performance Problems (Part 2) Speed up Development with Docker Compose Secure Docker in Production Setup Jenkins CI in 30 Minutes Check Docker Images for Vulnerabilities with Anchore Engine Anchore Container Image Scanner Jenkins Plugin Docker Layers Explained First Steps with GCP Kubernetes Engine Deploy Spring Boot App to GCP App Engine First Steps with GCP SQL Automatic Builds at Your Fingertips With GCP Cloud Build Spring Boot and GCP Cloud Pub/Sub Book Review: The Phoenix Project Google Cloud Vision with Spring Boot Discover Your Services With Spring Eureka Kafka Messaging Explored Kafka Streams Explored Kafka Streams: Joins Explored Devoxx Belgium 2019 Impressions Hack the OWASP Goat! Introduction to Spring Kafka Create Fast and Easy Docker Images With Jib Skaffold: k8s Development Made Easy How to Use the Jira API Book Review: The Unicorn Project How to Mock a Rest API in Python What Is Your Test Quality? Mutation Testing With SonarQube Easy Database Migration With Liquibase Easy Integration Testing With Testcontainers Automated Acceptance Testing With Robot Framework How to Write Data Driven Tests With Robot Framework Create Custom Robot Framework Libraries J-Spring Digital 2020 Impressions Parallel Testing With Robot Framework Java Streams By Example Getting Started With React How to Deploy a Spring Boot App to AWS Elastic Beanstalk How to Deploy a Spring Cloud Function on AWS Lambda How to Create an AWS Continuous Deployment Pipeline How to Create an AWS Continuous Deployment Pipeline Cont’d How to Start Contributing to Open Source Getting Started With RSocket Part 1 Getting Started With RSocket Part 2 How to Monitor a Spring Boot App Why Start a Technical Blog Improve Your Robot Framework Tests With Robocop Automated Pen Testing With Zed Attack Proxy Automated Pen Testing With ZAP CLI Automate ZAP With Docker Automated Visual Testing With Robot Framework How to Create an AWS EC2 VM How to Create an AWS ALB and ASG How to Deploy a Spring Boot App on AWS ECS Cluster What’s New Between Java 11 and Java 17? How to Deploy a Spring Boot App on AWS Fargate How to Create an AWS CloudFormation Fargate Template J-Fall 2021 Impressions How to Use Amazon SQS in a Spring Boot App Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline and Git LFS AWS Lambda Versions and Aliases Explained By Example How to Secure AWS API Gateway With Cognito User Pool Generate Server Code Using OpenAPI Generator An Introduction to AWS Serverless Application Model How to Get Started With Vaadin Flow An Introduction to AWS Step Functions How to Manage Your JDKs With SDKMAN How to Generate Fake Test Data How to Setup an Ansible Test Environment How to Pass the AWS Certified Developer – Associate Exam An Introduction to Ansible Inventory
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