Go is an excellent choice for building fast and scalable API's. The net/http package provides most of what you need, but augmented with the Gorilla Toolkit, you'll have an API up and running in no time. Learn how to build and secure a Go API with JSON Web Tokens and consume it via a modern UI built with React.
Everybody loves the Singleton because, conceptually, it seems the easiest of the lot to understand and (in most post-1995 languages) the easiest to implement. But everybody hates it because its singleton-y nature means it is a natural target for concurrency problems.
In this article, we are going to learn how to call Web API using HttpClient. Normally, we call a Web API either from jQuery Ajax or from Angular JS, right? Recently, I came across a need for calling our Web API from the server side itself. Let me show you how it's done.
C and C++ standards for years treated concurrency and multi-threading as outside the standard. Here's a bit of background, intro, and experimentation related to threads, hyperthreading, and affinity.
Here's a look at security permissions that are applicable to JPA entities, controlling attributes like reading, deletion, updating, and assignment of entities.