Exception handling in an application can often be varied, inconsistent, or inappropriate. This article proposes an API to make exception handling more robust and efficient.
Instead of just using SCP to get files over to my device, I wanted to be able to have my Raspberry Pi update whenever there was an update to the master branch of the node project I was working on.
System integration involves integrating existing (often disparate) subsystems and then creating unique and new value for the customer or end user. This blog lays out various steps to take and things to consider when planning an integration solution.
This rather long, but extremely well-researched article by Kai Wähner is a follow-up and update to his previous article "Microservices and whether that spells the death of the Enterprise Service Bus and other middleware." In this piece, he discusses how relevant microservices, containers, and a cloud-native architecture is for middleware. Take the time and read this... it's well worth it!
Sometimes, it might be worth squeezing few more milliseconds from your Camel routes. Here are some ideas for tuning Camel based systems, which may apply for you.
Almost all applications that perform anything useful for a given business need to be integrated with one or more applications. With microservices-based architecture, where a number of services are broken down based on the services or functionality offered, the number of integration points or touch points increases massively.
Are you working in a tight development spiral? You make changes to files that propagate to a massive project build. But you just need to verify that the files you're working on will build. Here's an easy way to do that.
MUnit is a Mule application testing framework which allows us to easily build automated tests. With MUnit, we can create Mule tests by writing common Java code.
We have less and less time to test products before release. How can we keep up with things like continuous deployment and still deliver quality products? Read on to find out.
As microservices architectures are increasingly optimized for speed and simplicity, developers are increasingly using NATS—a lightweight high-performance, cloud-native messaging system—for inter-service communication. An interesting project developed in the NATS community bridges HTTP and NATS, and is explained in this article by Radomir Sohlic.