Learn how to place policies under Integration Server, attach a policy to web service descriptor, and pass message-based authentication credentials with web service.
If you want your message flow to scale, it takes some work. This proposal, using Apache Camel, let's you handle high volume requests with a variety of databases.
The author provides five criteria to help you make the distinction between an API that is RESTful based on the original meaning versus the colloquial meaning of REST.
Software-defined everything seems to be everywhere these days. In this article, Olga Annenko discusses software-defined integration and what it should mean to you.
In this article, James Higginbotham explains what an SDK is, the differences between SDKs and helper libraries, and four different SDK patterns for API providers.
The author investigates the effect of think time on the performance (i.e., throughput and latency) of a WSO2 API Manager under different concurrency levels.
With the growth of API-centric IT initiatives, API gateways and management layers are common place. Should we consider an API gateway for microservices?
Emphasis on innovation is a prime requirement for both attracting consumer interest and the assured functionality of the application that integrated testing provides.