Docker Swarm makes it relatively easy to scale apps. With the help of Terraform and Packer, you can set up scaling for an app using cloud-native infrastructure.
Kotlin has many benefits, including an IntelliJ/Android Studio Plugin. Adding the plugin to a new Android project and converting your code from Java to Kotlin is easy.
Using Anypoint Platform, you can develop a full cycle of API applications. Using RAML, you can define your service’s APIs, build an app, and share the API.
DevOps one-stop shop solutions can slow you down over time. Tools that equal a stage to an environment deployment miss out on the real power of deployment pipelines.
Sibanjan Das offers up a tutorial for building a web-based cluster and prediction analysis application through using R with the open source Shiny framework. Oh yeah, and he embedded the app directly into this DZone article... shine on you crazy data scientist.
In Extreme Programming, instead of delivering everything you could possibly want on some date far in the future, you deliver the software you need as you need it.
If you have Redis, Node.js, and the Heroku toolbelt installed on your machine, then you've got everything you need to build a real-time chat application.
Chance are that you're going to want to get your app up on Google Play or the App Store. Apple's app approval process tends to take longer, but is more in depth.
Using a poor-quality server wastes everyone's time because the build takes too long to finish, resulting in intermittent test results and frustrated engineers.
Let's look into the Apache Ignite Cluster Layer, a GitHub project that includes the basic building blocks needed to implement a proposed microservices-based architecture.