It's incredibly easy to get your own GitHub CV. In this article, Rob Hinds explains the process behind making his and explains how you can make your own.
With this post, we start a series that will provide a guide on building a fault-tolerant, scalable, microservice-based solution with Apache Ignite In-Memory Data Fabric.
Matt Pavlovich explains what the Maven Release Plugin is, why some people have been complaining about it, how to ensure success when using it, and more.
Archaius is the library that is used by all of the Netflix OSS components for configuration, and it is an extension of the Apache Commons Configuration project.
If you are using Docker and Java, you might want to build the image from a Dockerfile in your build tool. In this post, we discuss how to do this in both cases.
A microservice architecture design pattern has advantages over a monolithic design pattern. The idea is to divide the single application into interconnected applications.