What is Apache Kafka, and what can is be used for? Dive deep into what Apache Kafka is all about and learn how to create a Kafka cluster with three brokers.
Settle in to hear the story of a Dutch company that transformed manual elevator logging into a digital industry standard and opened the door for predictive maintenance.
Beacons, communications protocols, edge gateways, integrators and more, if you develop IoT solutions, here are the essential phrases for your hobby or career.
Buckle up for a 30-minute talk about the current state of IoT data and a demo that tackles MQTT, TLS, load balancing, session persistence, and plenty more.
Feature hashing is a valuable tool in the data scientist's arsenal. Learn how to use it as a fast, efficient, flexible technique for feature extraction that can scale to sparse, high-dimensional data.
InfluxDB was designed for time series data, and Elasticsearch wasn't. However, many people use Elasticsearch for this purpose. Is one database better than the other?
Some of the shortcomings of Elasticsearch can be overcome using some Logstash plugins. Check out how to use them to aggregate and index data into Elasticsearch.
Learn about reading data from different data sources such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and flat files, and writing the data into HDFS using Kafka in StreamSets.
While the rest of the world embraces smart city technology in fits and starts, here is where Amsterdam shines with open data and citizen-led startup initiatives.
By: Natasha Mashanovich, Senior Data Scientist at World Programming, UK Scorecard development describes how to turn data into a scorecard model, assuming tha...
In today's news: Neo4j is announcing Cypher for Apache Spark and the Neo4j Native Graph Platform. Come learn about it all, according to Neo4j's Head of Product Marketing.
Big data, IoT, and AI have all contributed to the widespread use of personal info. The privacy debate is at a crossroads where the public, authorities, and companies must decide in which direction the industry will turn.
A terabyte is enormous in size. It’s difficult to put this into perspective, so let's try to understand it from two points of view: spatially and based on time.
TensorFlow and deep learning are things that corporations must now embrace. The coming flood of audio, video, and image data and their applications are key to success.