If event time is very relevant and latencies in the seconds range are completely unacceptable, Kafka should be your first choice. Otherwise, Spark works just fine.
Want to switch to the ELK Stack for your logging? Even better, want to get it running on your Azure cloud? This guide will walk you through setting up each component.
Using Spark, you can identify duplicate files in your S3 storage by calculating checksums. It's a quick, easy way to ensure you aren't carrying extra weight.
In this article, we'll take a look at the cases where advanced analytics can be implemented in an Order to Cash (O2C) process, going over potential use cases for anomaly detection, streaming analytics, and recommendation engines.
There are four main communication patterns in IoT: Telemetry, Inquiry, Command, and Notification. Learn about them and which communication protocols work best for them.
ElasticSearch is an open-source, broadly distributable, readily scalable, enterprise-grade search engine. Look more closely into what it is, its advantages, and stats.