Gatling and JMeter have different features based on what you're looking for, but they're not without their disadvantages. Taurus can help fill in the gaps.
When developing Android apps, functionality alone isn't enough. Users must be engaged. Many apps have virtually identical functionalities. Why would users opt for yours?
Unified Functional Testing is an eminent force in the test automation space. However, Selenium offers many benefits. At the same time, it isn't without its challenges.
Docker Swarm makes it relatively easy to scale apps. With the help of Terraform and Packer, you can set up scaling for an app using cloud-native infrastructure.
Kotlin has many benefits, including an IntelliJ/Android Studio Plugin. Adding the plugin to a new Android project and converting your code from Java to Kotlin is easy.
Data-driven testing facilitates test procedures, demonstrates more capability in discovering bugs, and ensures quality with logical input to assure successful deployment.
Ever need to debug multiple binaries? Say, a library and your app? Not fun. Fortunately, you can use GDB commands, Eclipse, and symbols to make the process easier.
In Extreme Programming, instead of delivering everything you could possibly want on some date far in the future, you deliver the software you need as you need it.
OpenId enables users to be authenticated using a single ID. The OpenId provider (OP) is the third party that authenticates a user signing in with an identificator.
You can't expect test automation to perform all the work done by a tester. It's the responsibility of a good tester to find areas that can't be automated and find issues.
Chance are that you're going to want to get your app up on Google Play or the App Store. Apple's app approval process tends to take longer, but is more in depth.
There are many paid email services out there that offer various integration features. However, most of the time, they aren’t 100% customizable to one’s requirements.