Code coverage IN SPACE! Well, FOR space. Here's how to ensure code coverage testing on embedded devices using free tools with the confidence to go into space.
Want to switch to the ELK Stack for your logging? Even better, want to get it running on your Azure cloud? This guide will walk you through setting up each component.
Using Spark, you can identify duplicate files in your S3 storage by calculating checksums. It's a quick, easy way to ensure you aren't carrying extra weight.
If you're considering getting your feet wet with serverless, be mindful that while AWS Lambda has plenty of benefits, you lose some control and call simplicity as well.
There are four main communication patterns in IoT: Telemetry, Inquiry, Command, and Notification. Learn about them and which communication protocols work best for them.
How you construct your Prometheus monitoring dashboard involves trial and error. Grafana makes this exploration very easy and Prometheus has good built-in functionality.
CloudTrail is a useful tool for monitoring access and usage of your AWS-based IT environment. You can find lots of valuable information in the data with Kibana.
This research report serves as a 'State of Predictive Maintenance,' considering what is and isn't predictive maintenance and how organizations are pursuing the tech.
The newest official addition to the Beats family, Heartbeat, probes services to check if they are reachable or not. See how it works with the ELK stack.
Synthetic monitoring is a way to see the performance of SaaS and web apps and networks using scripting to emulate the paths that end users take as they experience an app.
Want to use SQS without AWS Lambda functions? Get ready to dive into API Gateway so you can send and receive messages while securing them with IAM roles.
AWS Lambda is a solid serverless option, but setting up automatically scheduled events might not be intuitive. Let's see how CloudWatch can solve the problem.