Innovations are constant in Open Source projects and contributions. Let's look at tools and options for Web Application Development in a Layered Architecture.
Roadmap for manages and executives on how to spin the API flywheel and leverage its business possibilities, also describing top tools to help with API adoption.
A detailed guide which talks about the importance of cross browser testing on older browser versions and the ways in which you can test on older browsers.
Custom Maven plugin raml-sync-checker is used to check if the RAML in mule 4 app - API implementation is in sync with the RAML published in Anypoint Exchange.
Check out this article if you want to learn how to access Minikube development cluster with kubectl client, just like your access Kubernetes cluster to test your deployments.
I present 3 approaches to recursively render a deeply nested travel gallery in Angular. The last shows how Angular change detection differs from React's.