The "boy scout rule" is "always leave the code better than you found it." It's simple, yet not everyone is doing it. Let's figure out why and how to fix it.
The Docker Images and other objects are stored inside the docker directory in the local machine depending upon the default storage driver being used by the machine
Logging is an important pillar of observability in microservices architecture. Structured logging can be leveraged to enable many business-critical functionalities.
Monolithic frontends are difficult to maintain, develop, test, and deploy. The solution is micro frontends. It is a type of architecture that can increase effectiveness and efficiency across teams.
Communication is the key ingredient to software development. Great communication means great relationships, and it all starts with mastering these skills.
Learn how a payment gateway works, why an online dealer requires one, and how to identify the best payment gateway service to keep your online business secure.
In today's "Cockroach Hour", Sean from DoorDash was the guest, and it was a really interesting session. At one point he was commenting on the absence of trig...
Redis is a great platform for caching. Unfortunately, free options for integrating it into Hibernate as L2 cache are lacking. Let's see if we can fix that.
In this article, learn the importance of requirements in the software industry because if you are not clear with your requirements, your projects won't succeed.
Using Neural Networks to replace complex rules and feature engineering based search to provide more accurate and scalable search system that evolves over time.
Every person in your company probably has a different opinion about what's the company's biggest priority. But which project should be prioritized? Fortunately, there are great methods to help you prioritize your product backlog.
Learn all about refactoring source code: the benefits, challenges, tools, and best practices, and what is the difference between refactoring and technical debt.