I started learning how we can increase the number of Kafka topic partitions and also how we reassign partitions of topics to different replicas of the Kafka setup.
An interactive, community-driven, digital conference on September 30th - by engineering leaders, for engineering leaders. 1 day, 10 speakers, 100s of engineers - all free
Read this article to learn how to scale RDS Databases manually with the AWS CLI, the AWS console, or automatically third-party tools and internal AWS logic.
Mastering Kubectl is mandatory to manage a Kubernetes cluster. This post aims to give some guidelines to operate any Kubernetes objects in the command line.
The usage of DMN as a standard for building business decision models is on the rise. In this article, take a look at running DMN models in a self-contained (uber-jar) Drools application.
Tools like Splunk, ELK, and Sumo Logic have made it faster to search logs but all these tools suffer operational noise which is the silent killer of IT and businesses.
In order to master Java, the first step is to master the String class but to achieve that you need to explore, by checking the way it works under the hood.
Logs are key to part of any software. Read how can one make the log more insightful. Learn about things to keep in mind and things to avoid while logging.
I share my thoughts about how to set up a PostgreSQL Database in Kubernetes with some level of high availability, introducing 3 different architectural styles to do so.