In this article, learn about MySQL daemon, also known as mysqld. Why do developers care about it, and what does it do? Read here to find out the answers.
A high-performing network is integral for the maintenance of a functioning IT infrastructure in any modern company. Here are seven factors to consider.
In this article, delve into the CI/CD pipeline and see how automated testing can be used to dramatically improve the quality and swiftness of software releases.
Developers who use cloud hosting platforms may also need cron jobs for scheduling background tasks. This tutorial walks through how to use Render to do it all.
I decided to take a deeper look at the Render unified cloud solution which presented a Zero DevOps promise that works well for applications of any size
This article introduces a new hashing algorithm for soft affinity scheduling, consistent hashing, to address the problem when the cluster size changes.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) automates most of the provisioning work in software development. It is quickly becoming the norm for organizations that seek faster delivery.
Ransomware as a Service is one of the latest threats to prey on organizations in the digital world. It has become important to take some preventive measures.
Creating a container for a database isn't overkill. In fact, it allows you to bring all the advantages of containers to your DB. This article will show you how.
It would be difficult for organizations to retain the best possible customer experience while delivering faster products with traditional test automation approaches.