Explore fundamentals of Elasticsearch, a full-text search engine and analysis tool developed using Java programming language on Apache Lucene infrastructure.
During the last few years I've observed that many organizations are in the middle of a three steps process, that typically takes years. This process is the Data Journey.
RDBMS are often the most mission-critical of all company data and are in no way extinct but can also serve as an anchor from a full migration to the cloud.
AWS Database Migration Service provides heterogeneous migrations between different platforms. See the migration scenario between DocumentDB and MongoDB Atlas on AWS.
It is easier than ever to accumulate data but also challenges remain to ensure complete and correct data is captured. Discover key techniques and methodologies.
You can use Linkerd as a service mesh with Kubernetes, helping to manage communications for cloud-native apps and services while also feeding you data.
The problem lies squarely with the unavailability of the environment outside the compiler. Without its environment, testing an annotation processor is a lost cause.