If your application uses Log4j from version 2.0-alpha1 to 2.14.1, you should update to the latest version (2.16.0 at the time of writing this) as soon as possible.
A lot of organizations choose the Azure cloud for its rich infrastructure. In this post, we'll explore different options of database migration to Azure PostgreSQL.
Java is one of the most-used programming languages for applications, including cybersecurity. In this post, learn why Java is important to secure web design.
Learn how to automate logging in class and method level using custom annotations in the SpringBoot application, benefitting aspect-oriented programming.
Most DBAs and developers need to not only capture phone numbers, but make them usable. Formatting can make this a tricky task. Let’s look at how to solve it
In this tutorial, we're going to be looking at a bunch of different 'delete' styles to use on your next project. Let's look at how to create a set of delete animations.
Sometimes a highly scientific performance test doesn't speak well about the end result you might end up with. Using a "fully-fledged app" is therefore better.
This article is intended for beginners who want to quickly learn the basics of working in MongoDB without getting into the documentation and tutorials on YouTube.
In this article, I will highlight some extremely important features available which can be learned and implemented quickly when migrating from directly Java 8 to Java 17.
More good news: The ultimate guide continues with how to integrate your company's Google Workspace with Oracle APEX using JavaScript library and the service account.
The new switch statement is going to be very useful but if we can write our code both ways e.g., old and new, which will be preferred? Let's compare the performance of both implementations.