Learn the quickest way to create an Android QR code scanner. See a step-by-step implementation camera preview, as well as how to integrate QR code scanning SDK.
Here, explore the Business Delegate Design Pattern in Java. This video tutorial includes an introduction, real-time example, implementation, and key points.
This series of articles looks at a compelling feature of SingleStore called Pipelines. Here in Part 1, learn how to load some sensor data into SingleStore.
Here, take a closer look at the Composite Design Pattern in Java. This video tutorial includes an introduction, class diagram, example, and key points.
In this series, learn the basics of Java Database Connectivity. In Part 1, learn what a JDBC driver is and how to open and safely close database connections.
SQL aggregate functions helped me take the performance of my backend application to the next level and avoid the bottlenecks that were slowing it down.
This article explains the difference between Perl’s warnings and the warn function. Read on to find out the difference and use the code to fix your issues!
.NET 6 turned out to be a much-awaited, major release. Take an in-depth look to check what interesting things we can find in the sources of .NET libraries.
Snowpark is a new developer library in Snowflake that provides an API to process data using programming languages like Scala (and later on Java or Python), instead of SQL.
With the rising popularity of NoSQL databases among developers, read this post to explore their possibilities, with the focus on Graph Database utilization.