The Jakarta EE Ambassadors are thrilled to see Jakarta EE 10 being released! This is a milestone release that bears great significance to the Java ecosystem.
This article shows how Java 8 Optional can impact your code complexity. It can do so positively or negatively as Optional as a tool can simplify and complicate your code.
The problem lies squarely with the unavailability of the environment outside the compiler. Without its environment, testing an annotation processor is a lost cause.
Learn how prepared statements, paging, and retries can improve performance in applications that use the ScyllaDB Rust driver through a ScyllaDB example.
A distributed database like TiDB is a very complex project. Its performance depends on multiple factors. I will share a peculiar Go bug that caused TiDB to crash on ARM.
Clarify why we need to transfer data from one point to another, look at traditional approaches, and describe how to build a real-time streaming ETL process.
This is yet another part of an interesting experiment with FerretDB and CockroachDB. This time, we're going to expand on the previous articles by looking at the multi-region capabilities in CockroachDB.
This post has provided an in-depth guide on how to organize the maintenance of a Citus cluster with Flyway, including common practices, pitfalls, and workarounds.
@MappedSuperclass is used almost in each #JPA application to declare common fields. It could also be achieved using @Embedded entities. Read this article to learn more.
Develop a simple app in minutes with a React frontend that makes GraphQL calls against a Spring Boot Data JPA service backed by Oracle database and accessed via UCP.