As time goes by and Java is constantly being updated, the problem of compatibility of different Java SE API versions becomes more and more relevant every year.
In this article, I'll introduce the concept of socket and focus on how to use socket programming for consists of 2 separate Android devices connecting each other.
Here we are going to understand why to use hybrid encryption and see an implementation of hybrid encryption out of AES symmetric encryption algorithm and RSA asymmetric algorithm using Java 1.8 and OpenSSL.
Are you doing the right use of async/await without constraining scalability? Check out some use cases providing limited concurrency and the right fixes.
Today I am going to provide an example of a small microservices-based application with a Eureka discovery server to register all the microservice in it.
This article defines setting up Hazelcast server and client. Here,Spring is used for performing CRUD and java utilities are standalone classes for nodes set-up.
Despite its controversy, Optional has greatly improved the design of Java applications. In this article, we look at how, when, and where to best apply Optionals.