This study offers a thorough exploration of the effective triage of findings from Java static analysis tools utilizing cutting-edge machine learning techniques.
In this post, we’re about to unravel the enigma of this file. We’ll delve into its purpose, learn how to decipher its contents and explore its vital information.
Backpressure balances data production and consumption, preventing system overload. Java's Flow API enables effective backpressure implementation in applications.
Java 21's JEP 440 introduces record patterns for data navigation, while JEP 441 brings pattern matching to switch statements, streamlining data-oriented programming.
In this blog, we will learn about 5 new Java features: 1. Sealed Classes 2. Pattern Matching for Switch 3. Foreign Function Interface (FFI) 4. Memory API 5. Text Block
This article is written using Ballerina Swan Lake Update 7(2201.7.0). We will explore how to build a GraalVM native executable for a Ballerina application.
Are you struggling to keep the documentation of your Spring configuration properties in line with the code? Learn how to solve the issue in this article.
Let's understand how Virtual Threads are a major benefit for developers and the whole Java ecosystem and how ZGC improves on Java's already solid GC capabilities.