See an overview of an application that can be tuned with Akka, the load tests and tools that can be used to measure app performance, and some test results.
If you find yourself encoding and decoding URLs often, take a look at how to do it in Java while staying on alert in case you need multiple iterations.
Schedulers are great for task execution, but they're tough to scale horizontally. Let's use Hazelcast's IMaps, Akka, and CRON expressions to make a more scalable system.
Creating a Maven archetype can be a good way to streamline beginnings of new projects in your company. Check out the guide on how to do it in practice.
One of Mule's powerful features is SOAP Connect, which turns your WSDL into the connector and install in the Mule design palette within less than a few minutes.
By making some changes, appending some properties to log4j.xml, and using custom Java code to connect to the database, we can make logging to a database possible.