OpenCSV is a popular library for handing CSV data in Java projects, but there's a slight problem when dealing with backslashes. Let's see what it is and how to fix it.
In functional programming, your functions should not have side effects. Make sure you are using pure functions with these examples of side effects to avoid.
Let's dive into JShell and, in particular, see how it's used to interact with some of Java 9's newest features, including the updates to the Streams API.
Learn how to configure Telegraf, a plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting metrics, to pull metrics from a Java app inside a Docker container.
With the multitude of CLI parsing libraries available for Java, is it at all worthwhile to write your own? Sometimes. Here's one dev's thoughts on good old DIY solutions.
It's survival of the fittest in the world of programming languages... at least that's what the up and comers seem to think when face to face with almost any programming lang that came before them. Keep it civil guys, we don't want any extinctions here.
Want to keep your programs running performantly? Here are some steps you can take to eliminate bottlenecks, tips for caching, and other performance tuning suggestions.
Take a look at where HTTP/2 support stands for Java 9, what problems it solves, and more importantly, what issues still need help from outside libraries.
This guide will help you tab into JBoss Fuse's power for REST services and the web while running on Azure Container service with some help from Kubernetes.
Java EE 8 saw updates to JSON processing. Check out what's new with the JSON-P API, the two models it offers for JSON processing, and their basic methods.