Taking some inspiration from Python's argparse module, Argparse4j is a useful command-line argument parser library to consider when working with Python scripts.
Professor Ken Fogel defines the bean class, a subset of the original JavaBean concept, as a class used to aggregate or collect both primitive data types and other classes for modeling data in a program. He offers up examples and various rules for beans as they pertain to his courses.
Tablesaw is like an open-source Java power tool for data manipulation with hooks for interactive visualization, analytics, and machine learning. Come learn all about it!
In this article, we go over how to check for performance issues by checking various processes such as garbage collection, resource consumption, and more.
Here we dive into deeply nested code, how or when it arises, the problems it poses, and the challenges involved in refactoring it out into something more useful.
Whether you're brand new or an old pro, it's always good to brush up on exception handling practices to make sure you and your team can deal with problems.