If you are dealing with money or precision is a must, use BigDecimal. Otherwise, Doubles tend to be good enough. Let's dive into this concept a little more.
See how Java 10 is preparing to more fully embrace immutability, or at least unmodifiability, through methods aimed at making it more understandable to devs.
In the world of testing, two frameworks are often compared to one another: JUnit and Spock. We take a look at both to help see which one might be right for your next project.
Ever wanted to build a real-time video object detection application? Well, we do just that in this post, with the view to having it work in autonomous cars!
In the first installment of this series, we'll learn about the concept of microservices and look at how to create a microservice with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Want to make the most of your ConcurrentHashMaps? Need to ensure they're thread-safe and as high-performance as possible? Here are five tips to keep in mind.
Data-driven testing using JUnit 5 Kotlin provides usability in the development and conciseness of the code, as well as many convenient features for writing tests.
See how Java 9 has adapted so that you can run JVM-based workloads in Docker containers or through Kubernetes without worrying about hitting your memory limits
Check out this open source project to get a start on your microservices architecture, learn about the tools you need to connect your microservices, and more.
Straight out of Effective Java, Third Edition, we tackle the flaws in Java serialization and how to counter them using Google's Protocol Buffers as an example.
With JAR files, you've got your fat JARs, thin JARs, and skinny JARs, but here's an overview of Hollow JARs and how they sit between an app server and an Uber JAR.
This deep dive into Java 9 module services tackles how the ServiceLoader class has changed, how to browse the classpath, and how it all ties together in Jigsaw.