To simplify things, Angular 2 doesn't have built-in two-way data binding. But come on – we can't think of creating a modern web application without the power of two-way data binding.
Learn more on the fundamentals of declarative programming in this in-depth article on the concept and see how Speedment implements declarative programming in practice.
If you want your message flow to scale, it takes some work. This proposal, using Apache Camel, let's you handle high volume requests with a variety of databases.
Learn how you can make your application act like multiple, independent apps by implementing multi-tenancy and keeping your data accessible by the tenants.
Learn a handy trick to persist your natural key entities using Spring Data. See how that compares to surrogate keys and what other tricks that permits.
Delivering a proper image size can be crucial to insuring that your web application loads as quickly as possible. In this post, learn how to dynamically resize your images in your ASP.NET MVC application!
In this post we take a deep dive into Elasticsearch, including the basics as well as some different field types, replete with examples to help get you going with both static and dynamic mappings!