Red Hat, Eclipse, and Eurotech have announced Eclipse Kapua — an end-to-end open source IOT cloud platform that combines and enhances several current solutions.
Testing support in Spring Boot is getting better, but it's far from perfect. The example here shows how to use Spring Boot in tandem with your mock testing.
In this article, using JSF 2.3 we'll go over how to generate a JavaScript function in the global JavaScript scope which allows the end user to execute a JSF AJAX request by just a function call in the JavaScript context.
This article explains some of the dependency management tricks that can be used to create libraries and apps that depend on newer versions of a transitive dependency than those managed by a platform like Spring Boot or the Spring IO Platform.
Geppetto is a newly open sourced automation framework for testing and automating distributed systems with Python. This can be used with Open Source NoSQL.
For my current project I will have a REST API set up with Spring Boot. To be able to use the API endpoint the application will check that the incoming request has a valid JWT token.