The ZipKin distributed tracing system is great for testing latency issues, but by default, it doesn't persist the traces. Fortunately, you can fix that with Cassandra and MySQL.
Query processing is one of the most complex and complicated areas in the database realm. Intersect scans leverage multiple indexes for a query and bring subtle performance characteristics.
It is possible to define variables in DataWeave header, DataWeave body, and flow variables before the DataWeave component in a Mule flow in DataWeave code.
Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) form an open source stack that has become a a leading log analysis platform to monitor, in this case, OpenStack.
nopCommerce may be unfamiliar to you or may even just be a blocker for your current project. Check out some of the top questions about developing a nopCommerce-based store site and the answers to help get you through it!
Here is an annotated list of security guidelines for your REST APIs when you are developing and testing them, including proper authorization, input validation, and output encoding.
ScheduledService lets you execute the same task a regular intervals and can even restart itself in the event of a failure, making it a good tool to have in the box.
Forget the cloud, it's time to go serverless. Using AWS Lambda and API Gateway can reduce costs and overhead, and it's easy to get your Spring Boot app running on it.
Meta-monitoring is basically self-service for monitoring. There are several different requirements and methods that should be kept in mind when it comes to meta-monitoring.
You can use Scala to connect to MongoDB with a handy driver. By tweaking some settings and adding a dependency, you can even use SSL to keep your connection safe.