Unlock the full potential of your AWS Lambda functions with this deep dive into the differences between asynchronous and synchronous invocations for maximum efficiency.
In this article you'll learn how to leverage four APIs that can be used to programmatically create, retrieve, and/or remove annotations in a PDF document.
The Saga Pattern is a great tool for durable microservices execution, but it can make maintenance difficult. Here's a recipe for making it work for your systems.
Learn how to implement pessimistic and optimistic locking in databases using Kotlin and jOOQ. Discover the pros and cons of each locking strategy to help you choose the best approach for your needs.
AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is a powerful tool that allows developers to define cloud infrastructure in code using familiar programming languages.
Apollo Studio and Supergraph provide a streamlined solution for companies to integrate their data, microservices, and business logic into a single connected graph.
Software architects have lacked the observability and tooling to understand, track, and manage architectural technical debt, from dependency entanglements to dead code.