Learn how data synthesis together with data pipelines can offer a scalable solution to create consistent data resembling real-world needs for testing systems.
What are the advantages of ETL? Is ETL preferable to ELT for your data pipeline use cases? Why and when is reverse ETL valuable for your data warehouse (DW)?
Let's discuss the Lambda and Kappa architectural styles for data processing at the edge and look at a retail banking customer experience example for Kappa.
Is it possible to facilitate the creation of event-driven architecture with already available REST APIs? The short answer is yes. Here are some thoughts on how.
Looking over the top 11 cloud platforms for Internet of Things (IoT), we highlight the importance of scalability, cost, and connectivity. Click here for more.
What is monolithic and microservices architecture? Benefits of microservices architecture. Vital questions to ask before picking the right architecture.
Data trust starts and ends with communication. Here’s how best-in-class data teams are proactively certifying tables as approved for use across their organizations.
A recently released data privacy report about job opportunities showed that people who know how to keep information safe have many employment possibilities.
Discover the importance of developers understanding underlying hardware and learn how some sectors benefit from fast software with predictable latencies.