Rich Jordan explores how test data compliance issues are symptoms of deeper challenges, and how unpicking these root problems can accelerate the whole SDLC.
How to use paho.mqtt.golang client library in the Golang project, and implement the connection, subscription, and messaging between the client and MQTT broker.
Learning about API integrations and want to learn more? Here’s an API integration example that shows everything from API to API and all the pieces in between.
Read this guide on how to transform your outdated systems into modern, efficient, and maintainable software with tips, crucial steps, and best practices.
This article looks at cloud-native architecture, the design principles you should consider, and the features that make up an excellent cloud-native platform.
Data privacy is one of the most important components of data governance. This article explains the high-level implementation of data privacy in the big data ecosystem.
This article discusses the challenges organizations face in enhancing their security and explains the importance of proactive protection against cyber threats.
Data deduplication is necessary to maintain an accurate master data record. The enterprise needs a single source of truth to maintain consistency and efficacy.