Our work on code smells and refactoring tips continues with a look into adhering to the single responsibility principle and refactoring multi-responsibility methods.
Learn how to check, update, and add entries to your DB with Apache JMeter so that you can effectively look at the correct record of specific data or prepare test data.
Password expiration is tricky with using Azure AD Connect, but a new tool, Pass Through Authentication, will bridge the gap between cloud and on prem password policies.
Learn about advanced load testing scenarios with JMeter and XMPP, a communication services protocol which can be used for services like HipChat or Slack.
With Entity Framework Core 2.0, we now have the ability to introduce global query filters into our code. Learn about what they are, and how and when to use them.
Password strength and security is an all important aspect of keeping your data secure. Learn how dev teams can use this AWS service to encrypt/decrypt passwords.
Get an introduction to the concept of consumer-driven API contracts, and how to implement this with Pact, Spring Boot, and an API consumer and provider.
Developers need the ability to write tests, understand automation, good coding skills, and broad vision to write code that will work with automated testing.