Agile methodology implies an iterative and incremental method of management. Agile project management produces higher product quality, reduced risks, and more.
''Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve Your User Stories'' by Gojko Adzic and David Evans provides solutions to many issues involving Agile projects. Victor Chircu reviews here.
In this post, I will highlight one of the available progress bar widgets, which is a great tool for displaying the progression of a workflow to the user.
What happens to an organization when its most experienced and knowledgeable employees leave the company? What exactly is the organization losing? Read on to find out how important it is to keep the knowledge when employees leave.
OpenCart is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms available on the market today. In this article, we will walk through the simple steps involved in setting up the multi-store feature using a single OpenCart installation.
Journald is a log data storage and collection system. Here's an overview of Journald, and why it's great, with a glance at Syslog issues and Journald improvements.