"Big data" and "data lake" only have meaning to an organization’s vision when they solve business problems by enabling data democratization, re-use, exploration, and analytics. Read on to learn what a data lake is, its various benefits, and what's to come.
Parse is shutting down and will be missed by many. However, their resources for running an open sourced Parse backend on your own server, and migration info sets an example for other services on how to properly shut down.
In recent years, API use, and reliance on web services has increased. Here's a list of 12 awesome web service testing tools to aid your API and web service journey.
The open source NGINX v. 1.9.11 is out, and features an awesome addition: dynamic modules. These let you load separate shared object files at runtime. Learn more about the latest open source NGINX 1.9.11 release!
One thing almost universal to programmers? We're lazy. Rather we're resourceful, and don't want to do the same thing twice. Here's how to implement the Lazy class.
Docker is an open platform for orchestrating distributed applications.; open source NGINX (and the enhanced and commercially supported version, NGINX Plus) are great use cases for Docker, and this article describes how you can deploy the open source product.