Threat engineering provides a proactive, best practice-based approach to breaking down the organizational silos that naturally form around different types of risks.
What is technical debt? How do you fix it? Stay competitive in the market with the best practices and explore ways to remediate technical debt. Learn more.
This article briefly explains what ODD and TDD means. What the similarities and differences between ODD and TDD are and best practices for implementation.
Observability and security driven by aggregating data from multiple sources is critical to the development and maintenance of software that works perfectly.
Pair programming requires collaboration from both parties. Engagement in the task at hand occurs when both are focused, collaborating, and avoiding distraction.
In this article, readers will learn about the best practices in Jira we've found useful while developing software for clients as well as our own products.
A carefully crafted handbook for startup founders and aspiring product managers who want to understand better the role of product managers (PDMs) in SaaS.
Learning how to use the ScyllaDB CDC source connector to push the row-level changes events in the tables of a ScyllaDB NoSQL cluster to a Kafka server.