Our work on code smells and refactoring tips continues with a look into adhering to the single responsibility principle and refactoring multi-responsibility methods.
Learn how to debug your processes in containers using the tool of your choice, without having to install the tools. Here you'll find three container debugging methods.
By default, Quartz only supports traditional relational databases. But we can use Spring Boot and MongoDB to integrate Quartz to schedule in a clustered environment.
If you're looking to implement peer reviews into your development process, read on to get a great overview of the how the process is used and works best.
Serialization and deserialization can be a bit of a black box. We look at how to find out what's happening during the serialization/deserialization process.
Apache Spark is an in-memory distributed data processing engine and YARN is a cluster management technology. Learn how to use them effectively to manage your big data.
Code coverage IN SPACE! Well, FOR space. Here's how to ensure code coverage testing on embedded devices using free tools with the confidence to go into space.
Whether you're a network engineer or a software developer, being familiar with terms used to discuss data centers is important to any modern technology career.
The newest official addition to the Beats family, Heartbeat, probes services to check if they are reachable or not. See how it works with the ELK stack.
Without best practices, storage can become unmaintainable. Automating data quality, lifecycle, and privacy provide ongoing cleansing/movement of the data in your lake.
Day-2 operations is where the system generates an outcome for the organization. Thus, continually seek improvements in day-2 operations, to maximize benefits.
Freescale and NXP combined last year. A result? Their newly released MCUXpresso IDE. See the latest features, ranging from more intuitive tools to debug probe discovery.