With C#, you may not understand how things work under the hood but can still write code. Today, we'll discuss a potential nuance: handling enumerations.
Get tips on managing updates and deletes using Kafka Connect, which allows you to set up a continuous flow of data from one data source to a target database.
See the 10 most popular articles on Low-Code with topics covering Low-Code introduction, building an application with Low-Code, comparison with Microservices, a smack-down with pro-code, and more!
In this article, you’ll learn about implement and design Twitter search backend systems functionality how to work using Java microservices with explanations.
Gmail account is back up on the Google platform, which means your data is secure on the Web browser. You can access your transferred GoDaddy Webmail data.
In this InfluxDB tutorial, we will show you how to create an accurate overview of multiple time series with industrial data captured in consecutive production steps.
Committing to showcase new functionality every second Tuesday is an open invitation to cut corners. It creates a prototype mindset and increases technical debt.
How should your bounded context look like? What classes can talk to which classes? What are the layers we can think of and which layer is responsible for what?
One dev takes a look at the Flutter and React Native frameworks for cross-platform development and why he prefers to work in Flutter when creating applications.