Switching on features with Spring Profiles enables the save separation of different requirements in an application. Let's look at the architecture example here.
Apache Camel can be run anywhere as a standalone or embedded as a library, and it aids integration. Read on to learn how to use it to expose REST services.
In the Oracle Database, we can easily find a text or keyword that we are looking for in tables within a schema. Read to learn the steps of the process.
Here is a list of the best books that new software developers can learn from. I’ve selected books with long-lasting advice that will remain relevant for many years.
Learn how Intelligent Code Creation (ICC) leverages embedded intelligence models to offer developer assistance for writing secure and best code in the class.
Moving to AWS Graviton processors can cut your AWS bill by up to ⅓. Learn the top 10 lessons needed to leverage these processors and cut your infrastructure costs.
A favicon is an icon that appears next to a page’s name on a browser tab. This icon is also displayed in a bookmark list and can be used as a desktop icon for web applications.
If you’re not using fluent assertions and rely on basic JUnit assertions, you might be missing out on a simple but effective tool to write high-quality test code.
Playwright execute your tests in a linear way, one after another, in the same browser context. Create your own browser context and execute just like a protractor.
We all know which programming languages are the most popular in the world; JavaScript, Java and TypeScript being obvious candidates. But which is the LEAST popular?