In traditional unit testing, we set up our tests around edge cases. Jqwik validates against a whole range of possible inputs, making it better at catching regressions.
Azure App Service is one of my favorite cloud services in terms of hosting web applications because of the ease of scaling that I frequently need. Let's see how!
I mentioned previously that I had submitted some content to DevConf.CZ 2022 with a focus on the architecture work I've been doing lately. What's ...
Some common Kubernetes anti-patterns, some design patterns to use instead, and how Kong Ingress Controller can help implement the recommended design patterns.
If your application uses Log4j from version 2.0-alpha1 to 2.14.1, you should update to the latest version (2.16.0 at the time of writing this) as soon as possible.
Create a sample application to login with Google in the Angular Firebase application. Firebase has different login options to make user authentication quick.
A lot of organizations choose the Azure cloud for its rich infrastructure. In this post, we'll explore different options of database migration to Azure PostgreSQL.