In this series, learn the basics of Java Database Connectivity. In Part 1, learn what a JDBC driver is and how to open and safely close database connections.
SQL aggregate functions helped me take the performance of my backend application to the next level and avoid the bottlenecks that were slowing it down.
The core of DevSecOps includes cross-team collaboration and knowledge sharing. Here are three things devs and security can learn from each other this year.
Agile anti-patterns hurt progress, compromise teamwork, and jeopardize delivery. But faux agile is easy to spot—here's how to avoid common agile anti-patterns.
In this post, we will learn how to create a MongoDB Projection. Basically, projections allow us to retrieve selective fields of a document while querying a collection.
In this post, we’ll focus on getting more familiar with Jupyter notebooks and how we can leverage them within Kubeflow as part of our machine learning workflow.
In this article, we will discuss streaming sources that push data into Pulsar from another system and sinks that send data from Pulsar to another destination.
Let's see how the Onion bulb scales represent various stages in the journey of Intelligent Automation that an enterprise can look to undertake systematically.
This is the third post in the series and today, we’re going to explore CDC capability in CockroachDB Enterprise Edition using Minio object store as a sink.
This article explains the difference between Perl’s warnings and the warn function. Read on to find out the difference and use the code to fix your issues!
.NET 6 turned out to be a much-awaited, major release. Take an in-depth look to check what interesting things we can find in the sources of .NET libraries.