Jakarta EE Security (formerly JSR 375) introduces the notion of identity stores. Here, learn how they are implemented by Jakarta EE platforms like Payara.
Whistleblowers are controversial, but they're essential for cybersecurity by helping protect customers, raising security standards, and promoting security awareness.
LinkedIn reportedly improved its latency by 60% by migrating to Protocol Buffers. Let's understand what protocol buffers are and how they help LinkedIn.
TiDB Serverless is a fully managed, autoscaling Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) solution built on TiDB, an advanced open-source, distributed SQL database.
We all do pull requests, but are we doing them right? However well-intentioned, pull requests can actually contribute to tech debt when you're not careful!
Cybersecurity training is crucial for modern developers, so organizations should prioritize learning to keep up with a constantly evolving digital business environment.