The Deferred object in jQuery is based upon the concept of Promises. To understand all about Deferred objects, let's try to understand what a Promise is about.
For most organizations, the choice of how to store, protect, and access data comes down to SQL or NoSQL databases. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Two of the most important of these authentication standards are OAuth and JWT (JSON Web Tokens). Learn about the difference between JWT Token and OAuth.
With the client+server RIA platform concept of GraniteDS, applications can be written faster with less code, have a clean architecture, and separated layers.
Today we'll cover Python frameworks, types, and which Python framework is best: Django or Flask. But first, let’s understand the definition of a framework.
Learn how to modify Java command-line arguments. Java command-line arguments enable programmers to pass the arguments during the execution of the program.
The purpose of the article: analysis of the structure of a web service on Kotlin, consideration of ways to integrate with a database using the example of a CRUD service.
WebAssembly is a small, fast binary format that promises near-native performance for web applications.WebAssembly is designed to be a compilation target for any language.